
At EPBC, we believe that there is no age too young for a child to learn about God, His love, and His love displayed through the life, ministry, and sacrifice of Jesus. As a church, this is an opportunity we are given to invest into the lives of every child here as we aim to lead them in love to God through Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
Please see opportunities we have for children to learn and grow in knowledge of and a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Here at EPBC we have a hope and desire to see children come to know, believe, and practice the greatest commandment, which is to love God with all that they are and to love those around them with the love of Jesus as is taught in the Bible.
Weekly Calendar:
Sunday Mornings:
- 10:00-10:45am Sunday Schoo1
- 11am Corporate Worship
Sunday Afternoons:
- 5-5:45pm Discipleship & Activities
- 6pm Evening Corporate Worship
Wednesday Evenings:
- 6-7:30pm, CIA (Children in Action)

Sundays @ 9:45am

Sundays @ 5pm
Wednesdays @ 5:30-7:30pm
all children eat a provided meal from 5:30-6:00pm.
Mission Friends & Children in Action meet from 6-6:45pm.
Children’s Choir finishes out the evening from 6:50-7:30pm.

Mission Friends and Children in Action are a ministry of WMU within the Children’s Ministry of EPBC
For more about any of our Children’s Activities or Events, please contact Brandon Bennett